Press Center
At goUrban, we are committed to driving the transition towards a new era of mobility. Find out more about us, make an interview request or reach out with any other media-related inquiries by contacting our Press Team.

About goUrban
Founded in Austria in 2016, goUrban’s modular operating system empowers shared mobility operators, corporate fleets and cities with their data-driven mobility SaaS solutions. Our modular and vehicle-agnostic ecosystem helps to optimize even the most complex mobility operations – from on-demand, short-term rentals to subscriptions and even leasing.
Facts & Figures
• Founded in 2016
• HQ is located in Vienna, Austria
• CEO and Managing Director is Bojan Jukić
• Active in 100 cities globally
• 30,000 vehicles connected to the platform
Media Kit
Information about goUrban as well as logos and images for your publication are available here.
For additional digital assets and interview requests, please reach out to us directly.
Press Releases
“Expertengespräch: Zukunft der Mobilität”
Vienna, April 2024
Experts from Newcon, ÖBB, Saubermacher, Magenta and goUrban discussing the future of mobility.
Featured news
Expertengespräch: Zukunft der Mobilität (Austria, April 2024)
goUrban: Wiener Mobility-Startup holt 3 Millionen Investment (Austria, March 2024)
Die wachsende Bedeutung von Software im Bereich “Shared Mobility” (Germany, June 2023)
Es ist derzeit schwierig, Shared Mobility operativ profitabel zu betreiben (Germany, June 2023)
goUrban CEO über Shared Mobility: Krisenfall oder Schlüsselfaktor? (Germany, May 2023)
goUrban and GO Sharing sign new deal to scale in Western Europe (UK, April 2023)
Fordere den Status Quo heraus! (Germany, April 2023)
Der große ClimateTech Jahresrückblick 2022 (Vienna, December 2022)
Press and Media Inquiries
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